Online Queer Retreat:
The Paramis as a Revolutionary Act

Leslie Booker
Assisted by Coral Short

Registration page for online participation in the residential retreat offered at Villa St-Martin, Pierrefonds, QC, from March 20 to 23, 2025.


Please find the description and more details about the residential retreat here: Queer Retreat 2025

Sessions will be recorded and available in your dashboard for one year. However, technical issues might come up and affect recordings. 

Live attendance is recommended. Thank you for your understanding. 

(Times in ET - Eastern Time)


7 - 9pm Opening


7:30 - 8:30am Breakfast
9:00 - 10am Morning Instructions
10:00 - 10:30 Moving Practice
10:30 - 11:15am Still Practice
11:15 - 11:45am Somatic Movement
11:45am - 12pm Still Practice
12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00 - 2:00pm Self Practice or Rest
2:00 - 2:45pm Still Practice or Affinity Group
2:45 - 3:15pm Moving Practice
3:15 - 4:30pm Still Practice
4:30 - 4:40pm Bio + Stretch Break
4:30 - 5:30pm Dharma Talk + Reflection
5:30 - 6:30pm Dinner
6:30 - 7:00pm Self - Guided Moving Practice | Rest
7:00 - 7:45pm Reflections from the Day | Wisdom Democracy
7:45 - 8:00pm Chanting / Singing
8:00 - 8:45pm Brahmavihara Practice


7:30 - 8:30am Breakfast
9 - 11:30am Closing

Taught by Booker, Assisted by Coral Short

Leslie Booker

Booker is a heart-centered, spirit-driven activist and meditation teacher committed to creating a culture of belonging through her teaching and writing. She completed Spirit Rock’s 4-year Retreat Teacher Training in 2020, and shared the practices of yoga and mindfulness with New York City’s most vulnerable populations for over a decade. Booker has co-authored and contributed to several publications including the trauma-informed anthology Practicing Liberation and its accompanying workbook, for folks working towards social justice. She is a co-founder of the Yoga Service Council at Omega Institute and the Meditation Working Group of Occupy Wall Street. In 2020 she was invited to be a Sojourner Truth Leadership Fellow through Auburn Seminary and was voted by her peers as one of the 12 Powerful Women in the Mindfulness Movement. Booker moved to Philadelphia in August of 2020 to vote in a swing state, and currently serves as the Guiding Teacher of New York Insight. For more information:

Coral Short

Coral Short is a first-generation settler of Irish descent, raised in British Columbia on Sq'ewá:lxw territory and is now based in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal. After completing True North Insight's Mentorship program in 2022, they continued to organize Somatic and Dharmic gatherings, both in-person and online, fostering connections across diverse communities internationally. As co-founder of Queer Sangha, Coral creates a warm weekly space where LGBTQ2S+ identities are celebrated and supported. Their life work extends to eco-somatic experiences in the forests surrounding Tiohtià:ke, guiding participants through immersive natural journeys in nature. Their morning meditation practice happens each morning while gardening on their block. Coral's practice is rooted in embodiment, connection, and nature. They embrace the ongoing struggle for individual and collective liberation, fostering heart-softening spaces of joy. For more information, please visit their Instagram @coralshort.

Sliding Scale

TNI is dedicated to offering affordable rates to all. TNI retreat fees are on a sliding scale basis that allows participants to pay according to individual means.

In the case of online retreats, a percentage of the registration will be offered to teacher and online manager as compensation.

There is an opportunity to offer dana (donations) to the teachers at the end of each retreat. Many teachers rely on the generosity of retreat participants to ensure a sustainable income.

  • $350.00

    Base (Approx. 245 USD)

  • $250.00

    Reduced (Approx. 175 USD)

  • $450.00

    Sustaining (Approx. 315 USD)

  • $550.00

    Benefactor (Approx. 385 USD)


All prices are in Canadian Dollars. Please note that the exact amount in USD will vary depending on the daily exchange rate.

Five scholarships are available for online participation in this retreat. The scholarship rate is 50% of the base rate ($175 Cad. Approx. 120 USD). If you would like to request a scholarship, please email [email protected].

Texte en français ⇩

Retraite Queer en ligne :
Les Paramis, un acte révolutionnaire

Leslie Booker
Assistée par Coral Short

Page d'inscription pour la participation en ligne à la retraite résidentielle offerte à la Villa St-Martin, Pierrefonds, QC, du 20 au 23 mars 2025.

Cette retraite est enseignée en anglais.

Description de la retraite

Vous trouverez la description et plus de détails sur la retraite résidentielle ici : Retraite Queer 2025

La retraite commence dans la soirée du jeudi 20 mars et se termine avant midi le dimanche 23 mars.

Les sessions seront enregistrées et disponibles dans votre tableau de bord pendant un an. Cependant, des problèmes techniques peuvent survenir et affecter les enregistrements. 

Il est recommandé d'assister aux sessions en direct. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension. 

Échelle de prix

Voie boréale a à cœur d’offrir des retraites abordables pour tous. Le tarif des retraites de Voie boréale fonctionne selon une échelle graduée qui permet aux de payer en fonction de leurs moyens individuels.

Dans le cas des retraites en ligne, un pourcentage de l'inscription sera offert à l'enseignant et au responsable en ligne à titre de compensation.

Il est possible d'offrir des dana (dons) aux enseignants à la fin de chaque retraite. De nombreux enseignants dépendent de la générosité des participants des retraites pour assurer un revenu durable.

Tous les prix sont en dollars canadiens. Veuillez noter que le prix exact en dollars américains varie en fonction du taux de change quotidien.

Cinq bourses sont disponibles pour la participation en ligne à cette retraite. Le montant de la bourse est de 50% du tarif de base (175$. Approx. 120 USD). Si vous souhaitez demander une bourse, veuillez envoyer un courriel à [email protected].